Thursday 7 May 2020


The jaws of industry cranked and cracked and fractured the crust 

And churned  it’s nectar to soot and smog to satisfy our desire 

And war burnt carcasses while they still had breathe in their agonized virgin boyhood bodies

And carbon blackened all surfaces it touched inside and outside

Carcinogenic plundered bounty and booty and loot
Ripped out the heart of lands not built, by those who somehow laid claim by title and deed 

And it began to die. 

But such was our lust and desire for more that we bought what the pushers were dealing
And such was the comfort we took from their toys forgot what it was to have feelings
For others to live outside our imposition as we became monsters and took our positions n the self-centred prisons 

And we turned to self-help for our state of mind  
took drugs from the doc because life was unkind 
And cruel 
And poor me
I’m hurting
I’m scared
I haven’t got enough

We used to watch the news and give alms to the poor but now we watch the news to watch Presidents roar
And we swallow their shit because we just needed more of the product the pushers were dealing
And somewhere inside we had cause to decide that we needed to jump off this terrible ride
But nobody could we were scared if we would that the crash on the floor would hurt you
So we put down the books and we turned to Facebook where we painted pictures of virtue

And we shouted and we clawed and we hissed and scratched until raw and we bit  
we punched screamed and we kicked we gouged out eyes with our fingertips

And we shoot from our hips and dug in positions and forced imposition from living room prisons 
And none of the wretched thought they could be bettered as they shattered the sentences on screens of their nemesis

that was the example we set 
And yet,
we expected the ones we beset 
With a future of chaos and carnage and death
Not to upset us  to please us like Jesus and  forgive us for all of our debt
To better behave as they learnt from example for we knew all I’ll just give you a sample
Of  middle-aged virtue so do what I do but please save yourselves, kids, it’s over to you 

And we took our positions and forced imposition and made prisons of fear for those we held dearest
And the future was bleak
And bare
And unknown
But we didn’t care we brought goods on our phones 
We just couldn’t tear our minds hearts and bones 
from the product, the pushers were dealing

The jaws of industry cranked and cracked and fractured the crust 
And turned it’s nectar to soot and smog to fulfill our lust
And greed burnt the carcasses while they still had breathe in their agonized virgin bodies

And carbon blackened all surfaces it touched inside and outside
Carcinogenic plundered bounty and booty and loot
Ripped out the heart of lands not built, 
by those who somehow laid claim by title and deed 

Hope began to die

And then DNA came in a packet of fat, the smallest of things contained in a bat
And it launched an attack to the root of it all and despite of its size grown men would soon fall
And The products of pushers went into remission  
We were forced into prisons in locked down positons 
As a new impositions reduced our emissions
And outraged increased as COVID did spread because now we were scared we would number the dead
The threat that we faced was here and now,  now we would act, now we slow down
The Jaws that cranked and cracked and fractured the crust

And now we could stop from chasing the lust
That blackened all surfaces it touched and covered in soot
Now we would forgo plundered bounty and loot
And those who laid claim would no longer gain
from the land that they claimed with deed and title and fame.

We acted to save our own skins. 

And of course, we laid blame for that was the game that we had all trained 
We labeled the children the spreaders
And we shut down the schools and we locked them away
It was too dangerous for us 
so they couldn’t  play
We the ones of sulpher and soot entrenched our positions and laid impositions on ones who weren’t threatened but still we imprisoned. 
And ended their summer and ended their spring and filled them with fear to drown out their singing 
It was us that were scared it was us that where sweating 
And the ones who were threatened were the old who abetted 
the system before and then shut the door on the young ones from hoping and worse began choking 
The hope for a life, like Grandad’s

So we took to our screens 
And we shouted
And we hissed
And we lashed and we clawed  
And we scratched and we bit
And we gouged each other’s eyes out with the tips of our tongue
And we couldn’t accept it was we that was wrong
And all that we pointed in our brothers direction 
Was simply a sad act of guilt and projection 
And the end of it all we were guilty as charged for all we feeling we had done to our children as we kept receiving 
The product the pushers were dealing

And lockdown was lifted and we went back to work in planes trains and cars 
Thought Covid had hurt
nobody had bothered to think of the kids 
At least  nobody mentioned if they in fact did
Nobody bothered to think of their trauma. 
They had better get strong Covid was the warm-up 
School strikes on Friday had filled them with fear
We stood alongside them with crocodile tears
We used paper straws and pretended we cared
And fought endless wars while deep down they prepared
Their hearts and minds for years to come for when we were all gone
 it was they who would face the great ticking bomb
We set in motion with smog and the soot 
That blackened the inside of all that it took
And they looked back and laughed at the time we all feared.
All of us adults who cranked up the gears 
of a soot-blackened world with our soot-blackened souls.

And they danced and they spat on our burial holes
they hated and mocked the lives gone before 
The cowards who shivered  beyond their locked doors
Who could shut down the world to save their own score 
But choose to ignore our own babies roar
For when it was all done and the virus was gone and the humans had won

We bought product the pushers were dealing


  1. Great work! Nice reading today, my friend. Be Well. -Brett, SF
